Saturday 22 June 2013

Is He Really Divorced?

Im writing about this as it has been on my mind for a while now. I have noticed that guys who have been married and divorced hardly ever want to talk about their past, what went wrong and what triggered the divorce and all that. well i do understand that men in general arent much talkers. be that as it may when requested, surely they should have enough respect to share their past with their new Found potential lover. All you are left with is question marks, buzzing in your head. I have met my fair share of guys who are dirvoced, and its not to say that i do not like them, but some openness would appreciated. They tend to go about their business as if all is well, or as if you actually live in their heads. Well i term this pure and utter selfishness. Heres an example: i had known this guy for a while before he got divorced. Eventually things didnt go well and they got dirvoced. All this while he was just a friend, whom i knew from work. a year later he then started declaring his love for me *totally unexpected* it came as shock, but he assured me that he had liked me since he was married, at that he couldnt do anything. With him all i knew was the wife had initiated the divorce, and that there had been a General lack of respect, 9 years later * that sounded believable, AS IF! I am certainly not that naive* in any case the divorce fell through and he was all alone. I decided to give him a chance, since i had a bit of respect for him it wasnt difficult for me to fall for his story. He wined and dined me, we had fun, then came the first weekend. I received a courtesy call from him informing me that it was his turn to be with the kids that weekend, and so he wouldnt be able to see me. Fair enough, I Believed him, since he had done the decent act of informing me. At least i would have no expectations. Weekend went by with no call, then i got pissed off on sunday and decided to call. Asking if calling me during the 'kids' weekend was that much of a mission or what. He had a wishy washy story about how the phone is not a priority with the kids around. That hurt, even though he said it as general statement that applied to everyone and not just me. Following weekend came and this time i Received no warning or anything about the anticipated weekend activies with the kids again! I learnt this as i called on a saturday morning, that it was a schools sports day for the kids. To cut the long story short it didnt work out, as this guy seemed to use the kids cards a tad too much for the initial stage the relation was in. Dont get me wrong, theres nothing wrong with him spending time with his precious beings, but Word of Advice: if you dating a single, never married , with no kids kind of lady then you should tread with a bit of more sensitivty . This is only but a fraction of the events i could write about. But such Events just leave you wondering if this man you are opening your heart to is really divorced. Going forward i think i will do myself justice and run a thorough and proper backbround check on the marital status of the acclaimed divorcee. I have a long life to live and i wouldnt want my heart being shredded into pieces by a confused dirvoced man There are good divorced men out there, but unfortunately i havent met the one that has never left me wondering if he is still married or not. Ladies tread carefully... ♥ Salute

Saturday 8 June 2013

Am I bored?

I'm watching my dvds today, so i decided to start with Think Like A Man, Act Like a Lady.....yeah i love ut. Now im watching He's Just Not that Into it too. Ive had a glass of gin and tonic (the last drops) :-( I will survive. I just cant help to think of when last was I on a proper date, with a decent guy. People just wanna come by your house. THE NERVE OF MEN OUT THERE!!! Utterly shocking. Well i dont allow for such shortcuts . I keep, well i try, my standards. Let me get back to my movie. Cheers ♥

Friday 7 June 2013

I will Survive !

I swear my life is going to ruins. Too many things that are not right, a whole list of them. Now where do i start my list 1. My tv/decoder does not play quite a number of channels that i pay for on a monthly basis. This has been going on since FEBRUARY!!!! thats when i moved in here. I cant believe this. The last thing im left to do is to go to Multichoice with the damned decoder. So i dont see Vuzu tv, BigBrotherAfrica,BBCL , . Im sure you are asking yourself what on earth am i watching. I mean i already have half bouqet so im not left with much. 2. My oven decided to smoke up at some point when i was trying to bake my lasagna, so i havent been able to bake or roast in the past months. You know how i love cooking and baking right, well i do. 3. My washing machine refused to connect to the pipe here, so i havent been able to get the correct size pipe. Ive been driving around with it since months ago. Sigh. So i manually pour the water into the tub. Imagine all that manual work . 4. My bedroom has carpet(im not sure how i overlooked this little detail, because i suffer from bad sinuses, plus my chest is not 100%. So before i sleep i have to let out a little sneeze or cough...eish hay fever all over 5. My car is dusty! I was stopped by a metro cop the other day , he simply told me to get my car washed and let me go. Lol. Dont worry ill wash it this weekend With all this, i think i need disaster management unit to come and rescue me lol. One by one i plan to tackle these problems, i will not be defeated!!... I WILL SURVIVE Much ♥