Thursday 21 February 2013

Body talk

I woke up with a splitting headache today, now that never or hardly ever happens to me. i continued with h my usual routine, shower, eat , find something to wear etc. .after all this the headache persisted. I le gft the house to come to Rosebank, as i had a few things to do here. After sending my twin's gift via courier services i then decided to sit at Ninos. Did some work kn my tablet, orderd a cup of five roses with soya milk and drank two cups. Now usually when i feel heavy and tired this tea revives me, oh no not today. 

I had to then resort to taking a pain killer, because i saw that if i didnt my head would crack!! hit me right there when a thought crossedbmy mind, i am now 30 and clearly my body will be slower in reacting to remedies such as a cup of tea to cure a headache.

i feel better now having taken a pain tablet. I am even surprised myself tobbe admitting to such. All i can say is let us appreciate our lives, maintain a healthy lifestyle and learn to listen to our bodies when they cry out to us and respond accordingly.

i hope i have learnt something from this and hopefully i can have the ability to help someone in future who finds themselves in my situation.

salute! :

1 comment:

  1. Glad to say i woke up with no headache today :-) :-) :-)
